Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Good Catch

Nine years ago today, this man pledged to be my partner, my team-mate through all life's ups and downs. He is a terrific father, and though the art of loading a dishwasher may be lost on him, he makes me the luckiest woman alive.

( I think he might have learned a few of his tricks from this guy here)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

She can count

Yesterday in the car Caley was listing all the names of all of her dolls. "I have five babies" she told me "that's a lot for one Mommy." After I had agreed with her, she continued "and you have three babies." "Really?" I asked, thinking perhaps she was including her Daddy in the count. "Yes." she said solemnly "You have me 'n Matthew 'n my Baby Sister."

Oh, the faith of a child!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Example B

I'm not always the best mom. Some days I'm tired (heck exhausted), my tongue is sharper, and instead of engaging the kids in educational activities, I focus on just making it through the day. As much as I would like for my kids to be only influenced by the good days I know that they are always watching, soaking it up, being lead by my example. Holy crap what a scary thought. Who decided that I was a good example for anyone?
It worries me, quite frankly. Because this is so important to me, I want to get it right (umm, yeah, okay, I'm working on the perfectionist thing). Tonight as I was walking through the kitchen, I saw this.
Her little wee loaf nestled up close to mine, and for a moment I decided to cut myself some slack. Maybe she'll remember me as a controlling health nut who over reacted over store bought crap, oh I mean, food. But chances are just as good that she'll remember spending time together in the kitchen, the feel of the firm dough beneath her hands and the satisfaction of making something good from nothing. Maybe she'll remember how sometimes it's worth making sacrifices, like taking the time to bake bread every week, if you believe it's important for your family. Maybe she'll follow my examples and maybe not, but without a doubt, knowing that she and her brother are watching inspires me to be a better person everyday.