Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sensory Beans

About the same time I decided against adding a sensory table to our in-the-works-future homeschooling room, Matthew fell in love with the one at the distance school where Caley has her science classes.

He simply couldn't bear to leave the amazing, precious beans in a bin. So he and I concocted a plan. We drove to the nearest grocery store where he filled a mini shopping cart with bagged beans of his choosing.

When we got home I initially put them in a Rubbermaid container but that was cramped and too deep and just no fun. Fortunately, the train table has a raised edge so it works great (mostly) to keep the beans contained.

Voila! $15 sensory table.

The best part was, they played peacefully for hours and so far only one handful of beans has been thrown into the face of a sibling during a tantrum.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ghost Mouse

A very kind person gifted our family with a surprisingly life-like fake mouse for Christmas.
Perhaps it was a nod to our frequent disgust and frustration at sharing our living space with unwelcome rodent house guests.

The thing is, this "mouse" has taken to showing up all over the house. And, for a few seconds at least, I fall for it.

Every. Single. Time.

In my bed, on the counter, bookshelf, here, over there...

I haven't deduced yet if the culprit is my seemingly innocent husband or deliciously mischievous 7 year old.

Then there is the sweet anticipation when I notice it has gone from the last place I jumped and gasped  calmly noticed it.

When I went to take a picture of it lurking in the corner of my office this afternoon it had already vanished.
So I'll be looking before putting my hand in drawers or sitting in my chair or laying my head on the pillow. 

Because I'm certain I haven't seen the last of that "mouse".