Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sledding vs Sledding

It's funny how life changes.

Brad and I both watched as folks unloaded their snowmobiles up the mountain, tightened their helmets and rode off with loud braaappps looking for adventure.

We commented on how sled technology has changed since our riding days and stood looking at the hillside, mentally plotting a route up the slope.

Until the sound of the kids clamoring for their next turn pulled us back into the present and we slid down the hill until their cheeks were pink and toes frozen.

Sometimes a feel a twinge of longing for the old days. For the risk and adventure. Longing to slip on my harness and hang from a cliff. To feel the burn of adrenaline pumping in my chest. To push and then push some more.

But then I think this, this is the real adventure after all!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Busy with...

Errmm...ummm...hmmm, haven't been here in a while.

I've been busy.

Busy with work

Busy with the farm

Busy with homeschooling

Busy with homemaking

Busy with wife-being

Busy with a crazed, nailpolishing, wash the floor with pee, paint the wall with poop (daily), clothing cutting, if you give that child food colouring again I will be filled with homicidal rage, trantruming, face slapping, why is Mommy clutching that bottle of wine in the corner, toddler.

I'm not sure if the highlight was:

A - when he locked us both in his room on a Sunday morning when Brad and Caley were out of town (a Sunday morning I was scheduled to speak in the service of course).
Although I did discover that you can't remove the pins from a door using the metal plug-in of a night light. Also, his room is very childproof lacking any object that is long, thin and pointy. Also, I am much to old to be climbing out windows before 7am in the morning. (and for the record, I don't like to do anything before 7am.)


B - When I felt a distinctive squish beneath my foot while walking to his dresser and discovered that I had stepped in a piece of poop that was left over from his almost nightly episodes of using his bodily waste like play dough.

so, yeah...I've been ...busy.