Friday, June 21, 2013


That's where we are on the Shepherd's Care wait list as of May..


Our agency places around 50 children a year...

and we are number 20...

I just can't help thinking that our family may be getting an amazing Christmas gift this year!!

A Letter to Our Local Library

My children, aged 4 and 7, and myself visited our local library branch today, something we do quite often and with much enjoyment. When I was sorting out the books we had brought home I noticed that the kids had selected a novel. As my oldest has just learned to read novels I was interested to see what she had selected. You can image my disgust and horror upon opening the book to read a graphic description of a dog who had been killed by a pitchfork, how the blood was running down the protagonist's skin and the liberal use of profanity!!!

Flipping through the book I found it was liberally laced with profanity.

I would like to know what was going on in the mind of the person who selected this for the children's library? I would like to ask them if they think parents would enjoying hearing their young child sounding out F--U--CK, F--UCK--FUCK? If they think that is adorable and precocious?

I am afraid those questions might sound a little rude and angry (which I am) and so instead I will strongly suggest that the library adopt some system of sticker labels for books with questionable content in the children's section. We have them for videos and music already, so why not for books?????

I am so extremely relieved that I inspected the book before my 7 year old sat down to enjoy it. I take my kids the library to enrich their minds, not to fill them with FILTH!
