Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Today the beauty was easy to see

(Seriously. This face is why he gets away with so much)

I like to take pictures of my feet in happy places

Nature study

Today I let go of my agenda.

We slowed down, listened to the waves, investigated any little thing that caught our eye.

We walked slow. My little man, so recently non-verbal told me a fantastic story as we went.

The laundry didn't get done nor the garden weeded...

I'm learning, slowly be to more than okay with that.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Beauty & Slime

It wasn't long after making the decision to homeschool that I stumbled across the Charlotte Mason method of education. It was actually one of the things that made me feel comfortable about the decision to educate our children at home because it was everything I longed for as a child but struggled to find in my cookie-cutter schooling. It also reminds me so much of my beloved Grandmother. So much so that I tend to picture my "Merdi" in my head when reading CM's writings. They both were passionate about good books, children and education being about living not dry, dull lessons.

With a few years of homeschooling under my belt I'm confident to say that we've found our niche with a combination of classical studies with a Charlotte Mason approach.

One of the things that really drew me to the CM style was the emphasis on time spent outdoors and nature study. I don't know if it was just the age of my kids though, but I have really struggled to institute the nature study part of our homeschool.

Physically, we are set. Beside our back door hangs our three Ugandan bags. Each with a drawing book, magnifying glass, binoculars and sketching pencils. All crisp and new and totally unused.

I've just finished reading the section of CM's original writings on the importance of nature study so I decided that today was the day. We put aside books and housework, grabbed our bags and headed out into the sunny spring day.

I think this new little footbridge is going to become a favorite spot. All the thrill of a bridge with none of the worry of falling into the pond.

Sun! After months of grey and rain.

It's still very early spring here. The kids decided to investigate the slime growing on the water. I'd never really looked at slime that closely before. It's actually quite neat. How the threads are strung together, trapping air so it doesn't sink.

We looked for signs of growth to come. Only the dandelions out so far.

We took time to look for the beautiful that we might otherwise overlook.


I don't know if they learned anything in particular today but I hope that we can do this more often
 I hope that what they come away with is the habit of slowing down and seeing what is all around them.
Seeing the beauty in the world
in the obvious
and even in the slime.

Monday, April 15, 2013

jumping in mid thought....

I remember the years in between Caley and Matthew.

When we were trying to grow our family.

Unsure why it wasn't happening

Wondering if it ever would

Wondering if we would be okay if it never did.

Looking back it was the not knowing that made it the hardest, the uncertainty.

Though I was beyond thrilled when we became a family of four, I do wish that I had taken the time to really appreciate that season of life, life as three.

I wish I had focused more on the gift of the present.

Flash forward five years and I find myself again in this place.

Wondering, praying, hoping for a child.

Will it ever happen?

Will we be okay if it doesn't.

Only now I have the answer to that question. We will be okay no matter what the future holds for us because God is good and His love never fails.

He has promised to never leave us and He has sworn to sustain us.

And in the waiting?

He is growing us.

And in the waiting?

I am living each moment, thankful for the gift that is now.