Saturday, January 1, 2011

I can finally cross off "kiss a boy"

Making New Years Resolutions always reminds me of when I was 16, spending New Years Eve with my best friend Serina. Writing with purple jell pens all our impossible dreams for the coming year. Giggling over the ones like "kiss a boy" or "get cutie to notice me".

For the past couple of years I haven't made any resolutions. Mostly because once I get thinking of things that I would like to change about myself it becomes impossible to stop. And really, who wants to start the New Year all depressed and inadequate feeling?

This year though, I'm going to pick up my jell pens again, well, keyboard anyways. Lately I've been feeling as though I've gone a bit off track in some areas of life. Like I'm driving on the gravel shoulder of the road, instead of the middle of the lane. It's hard to keep from veering off course when you're not on the pavement.

So here goes, ahem:

1. Limit computer time to 1 hour per day.
There was a time when I only opened my laptop every few days and then was done in 20 minutes. Now I plop my tired behind down as soon as the kids go to bed and look up to find it's midnight and nothing has been accomplished.

2. Go to bed earlier. By 11pm at least.
Not a problem if I stay off the computer at night. Hopefully this will equate to getting up earlier too but I am unwilling to go to the level of commitment of resolving to drag my ass out of bed before 8am.

3. Loose the 10 pounds I've gained since October.
I'm not too worked up about this but it sure would be nice for my clothes to all fit again. I'm getting a tad tired of yoga pants everyday.

4. Seriously purge the house.
I hate clutter in the house and nothing lingers long if it's not being used. But I need to go through all of the storage bins, decided what kid's stuff we are keeping and get rid of the rest!

5. Finish all the small home reno projects I've started.
'nuff said.

6. Get the kids outside more.
With the months of endless rain I've been taking the easy road and staying inside with them but they are outside kids! They both love to be outside and I'm feeling guilty about trying to convince them that they don't want to go out and then going out myself as soon as Matthew is napping.

7. No picking of biting!
Embarrassing as it is to admit, I have a bad habit of picking my face and biting my nails. I've gotten a bit better about the nails...but it needs to stop. Sigh...I think this has been on every resolution list I've ever written.

8. Start scrapbooking again.

9. Talk more about faith issues with Caley.
Recent events have revealed to me that our "show by example" model is not having the desired results.

10. Live in the moment.
Our lives are just compilations of all the little moments. I haven't been making the most of the moments and I've been feeling and see the result; a general blah-ness about life.

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