Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Busy with...

Errmm...ummm...hmmm, haven't been here in a while.

I've been busy.

Busy with work

Busy with the farm

Busy with homeschooling

Busy with homemaking

Busy with wife-being

Busy with a crazed, nailpolishing, wash the floor with pee, paint the wall with poop (daily), clothing cutting, if you give that child food colouring again I will be filled with homicidal rage, trantruming, face slapping, why is Mommy clutching that bottle of wine in the corner, toddler.

I'm not sure if the highlight was:

A - when he locked us both in his room on a Sunday morning when Brad and Caley were out of town (a Sunday morning I was scheduled to speak in the service of course).
Although I did discover that you can't remove the pins from a door using the metal plug-in of a night light. Also, his room is very childproof lacking any object that is long, thin and pointy. Also, I am much to old to be climbing out windows before 7am in the morning. (and for the record, I don't like to do anything before 7am.)


B - When I felt a distinctive squish beneath my foot while walking to his dresser and discovered that I had stepped in a piece of poop that was left over from his almost nightly episodes of using his bodily waste like play dough.

so, yeah...I've been ...busy.

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